Germs and viruses: invisible, just like The Emperors New Clothes. How convenient!

T. M. Ballantyne, Jr. - Coauthor with Dr. Robert Young of TRUTH vs. DECEPTION - Liberty vs. Tyranny - COVID-19, Fact vs. Fiction - Books I & II (Amazon)

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Incredible work, Turfseer. Wow, thank you.

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Thank you so much. Get my FREE PDF with links to all my music videos and original audio demos. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/add-ons-to-final-master-video-collection

And here's another FREE PDF with links to my final audio (non-video) tracks along with my original rough piano demos. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qa0v3sn7gne7xii5p9yub/Turfseer-demos-and-audio_3-1.pdf

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A very unique and compelling song! The collection of videos and images is immense! Thank you for all your hard work and talent getting all this together!

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Thank you very much. 1906 was the same year Upton Sinclair's book The Jungle came out exposing health violations and unsanitary practices in the American meat-packing industry. If Mary had anything to do with people getting sick it might have been the food she was preparing as a cook. The knowledge about diet and food combinations at that time does not compare with what we know now.

But it really was the changes in sanitation that brought about the eradication of these diseases. Wikipedia notes how changes were beginning to be implemented around the turn of the century. You can read about them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_water_supply_and_sanitation

You know in 1919 the US Army conducted an experiment where they tried to infect 100 healthy volunteers with blood and fluids from infirm Spanish flu patients. Not one of the volunteers got sick. That's because contagion by asymptomatic people is an old wive's tale that has never scientifically been proven.

This is how they control people by accusing innocent people of spreading disease.

I say when you get sick blame yourself. Don't pin it on anyone else!

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I believe there are many books like "Turtles All the way down: Vaccine Science and Myths" that review the fact that sanitation and sewage management systems, once implemented, controlled spread of disease yet the vaccines are given "credit".

One thing that I know is that God is bigger than any illness, any medication. We don't even have to know what it is or how to fix it - just ask God and beg him for your miracle. I learned this during 12 years in bed with a traumatic brain injury. I was blessed with getting my medical clinic back and saving thousands from the plandemic.

Keep taking those supplements! Stock up on the good ones. And never throw away expired ones:). All blessings, and thank you again for all the work that went into this.

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You are a true hero. Do you know any good supplements for Type 2 Diabetes? Believe me I've tried many and have also tried following a low carb diet for six years since being diagnosed but recently I experienced a depressing uptick in my A1C.

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Thank you but I'm just doing what God wants me to do, and following my Hippocratic oath. It's simple.

For Type 2 DM, there's no special supplement that can just take it away, right? You would need to keep a diary of everything you eat and have regular consultations.

Everyone should be on vitamins C, D, Zinc, Quercetin and melatonin. Many of my patients are on the Immune Defense Pack: https://margaretaranda.metagenics.com

A small commission goes to our nonprofit.

Email me if you're interested in being a patient and participating on a research protocol in this regard:).

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Germ theory is their linchpin. If we expose the lie to enough people, the wayward wizards' clown car will crash and burn.

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People like simplistic theories they can understand.

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Oh my! You have not only a brain but also a heart full of notes on scales!

Simply beautiful!

Thank you very much for the beautiful and very moving song and the story of Mary that I did not know until now from you!

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Thanks so much. Yes it's a dark tale as the vast majority of people believe she was a superspreader. We live in dark times now too of course. Even worse than back then.

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Holy cow amazing, moving and terrifying. I didn't know the tragic story behind the 'Typhoid Mary' moniker

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Probably the first significant victim of medical tyranny. A very tragic story!

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Perhaps, but in some places, in the past, when somebody's calf or child got sick, weren't certain types of people already apt to blame it on some vulnerable, unpopular or unattractive/'too-attractive' (most typically, it seems ) woman?

A 'hex' seems to me to be rather like an early form of 'virus', both being invisible and not requiring any real evidence toward identification as to source or scientific methodology to test for replicable results. Merely an assumption and a little circular (un)reasoning seemingly will often do to identify a suitable/profitable scapegoat/cover story.

Poor Mary being the only 'super-spreader' available to act as the 'asymptomatic case' that the perps had to point to, when making up a case against made-up numbers of 'cases' toward making prisoners of us all, she has had to stretch pretty far to last through the centuries... nice to see a little sympathetic treatment of the poor woman.

On the other hand, a LOT of people - even if not previously aware of this story - must have wondered, when Typhoid Mary was dredged up as The Only Previous Example In History of an Asymptomatic Spreader, why so many of everyone had now suddenly become perpetual asymptomatic hazards to each other, simply because of a synthetic, computer-coded genetically-damaging experimental jab that produced shedding only AFTER people had taken them...

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