Powerful 🙏

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Not related to artists but of related to a Province of Quebec ruling on UNDRIP which is undeed interesting and shared amongst your Canadian readers in case you or they don’t already know :


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I am deeply appreciative when talented artists take our emotions, including pain and (out)rage and loss and use their talent to help us feel, act, and, somewhere along the line, heal through corrective action and deep expression.

I wish this were not the collective reality, but we are in the process of being slaughtered in the largest, most successful holocaust in human history.

Thanks, UN, and thanks, WHO, serving your globalist depopulation UN masters. And thanks, HHS and medical establishment, for being complicit mass murderers instead of defenders of well-being.

OK, what do we do? First, we use the tool that art gives us to confront our own errors. Then we correct them: no more jabs, no more lies, no more globalist domination.

That means #ExitUN and all of its absurd and dangerous bits and pieces, including the wildly dangerous WHO.

Do that here, PreventGenocide2030.org. Tell you Congresswo/men to cosponsor and pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act (HR 6645/S 3428). Do it now. Share. Do it again. Share.

It is utterly essential and absolutely urgent. As essential and urgent as art.

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