Thank you…enlightening. Important to know what is happening in the countries of Europe. I always knew this would happen when the muslims of Syria fled to Europe. The president of Hungary would not let them into his country. I felt he was so right. They end up taking over.

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You had me until you tried to suggest that what is happening to Europe had anything to do with Israel defending itself against Palestinians.

So you are also a liar I see. No, most of us are finally understanding that the same forces that moved zionists into Israel and call them 'Israel' so that they can assume ownership of the land and the whole Middle East are those same forces that have moved the non assimilating criminally minded immigrants into Europe.. and allowed them to rampage.. that it may be used as another pretext to engage the violent Palestinian slaughter and expulsion catastrophe, using the false mantra trotted out ad infinitum of Jewish victimhood.

By the way, those same forces responsible for all the current invasions and carnage were also behind the Jewish holocaust that served as one of the earliest pretexts for hijacking the land.

... and, no, Israel is not a democracy..

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You All have only yourselves to blame ! We went through the 60’s 70’s 80’s 90’s and were labeled Racist Haters Nazis and all the rest of that boulabaise ! Simply for pointing out what a surprising Element was Doing to (Us) ! and You without a scintilla of a Clue did you ever glean ! The Chickens have come Home to Roast !

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Geert Wilders is either controlled opposition or fast asleep. It's the globalists, who are Zionists, that are permitting Muslim migration to the West that has been going on since WWII, and has intensified since the Arab Spring in 2011. The same migration scenario is happening at the US southern border, and was itensified under the Biden administration. You may ask how that is possible. Its possible because Zionists control the politicians of European countries as well as US politicians. Its time to stop illegal immigration into the US otherwise it's going the same way as Europe.

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You’ve put it in ‘Plain Language’ kimosabe

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I agree and disagree with Mr. Wilders. Yes, the unrestricted immigration of Muslims into culturally incompatible Western European societies is a stupid, seemingly suicidal policy abetted by globalist scum in order to destroy Western nation-states and their cultures and thereby reshape the world. But to focus on Muslims as the villains is to miss the bigger picture. The globalists who pull the strings are manipulating us so that we hate, fight with, and destroy each other (Muslims vs. Jews, red states vs blue states, blacks vs. whites, etc.), creating chaos and anarchy, which are like mother's milk to globalists who want to "Build Back Better" to achieve totalitarian world gov't. Don't be sucked into being their pawns.

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We won’t argue with That ! The self-styled elite have always aimed for an ewetopia as long as history accords in their script’oral accounts

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The jihadis will eventually come for the globalists, too. The globalists are too arrogant to grasp this truth.

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jihadis” ? That has been one hades of a Twisted [Verb]

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Yes. Indeed, and some call the ones who pull the strings "Jews", but they are not.

"9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you."


Also beware, that all calling themselves Christians or Muslims, are not, but are psychopaths working for the bank mafia, in order to create chaos and conflict!

Psychopaths beware! You have no idea what you are doing! Satan will throw you, and your children too, under the bus! https://odysee.com/@DollarVigilante:b/KARMA-Evil-YouTube-VIDEO-1080p:a

The truth is that Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in peace in Palestine, before Satan's Nazi Zionist arrived. There are Nazi Zionist coins celebrating the Nazi swastika. Probably no coincidence.

Nazi Zionists probably murdered Jews together with Hitler, as well, and they are probably doing it again: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/meanwhile-in-israel-8-year-old-vaccine

The wars are both money laundering rackets and diversions away from the democide:


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No one Today would recognise those who were and [were] !!

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Do we even recognize ourselves at this moment?

A message from Mrs. Wallace:


Be strong, Mr Thomas!

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Please get it through your thick skulls - ZIONISM AND THE GOV'T OF ISRAEL ARE ENTIRELY SEPARATE FROM BEING JEWISH! ANTI-ZIONISM IS NOT ANTI-SEMITISM! I AM SO SICK OF THIS CRAP! I am Jewish and I loathe that convicted criminal Netanyahu, the corrupt gov't of Israel and the Zionist settler-colonialist imperial project of genociding the Palestinians.

The wretched equating of Israel/Zionism with Jewishness makes non-Jews hate real Jews like me even more, which is cutting off your nose to spite your face!

WE ARE ALL GAZANS NOW! Peggy Hall's commonsensical reasonable and logical ONE STATE solution is the only thing that can actually work! https://peggyhall.substack.com/p/a-radical-remedy-to-the-israeli-conflict


THEY want you dead or a slave every which way from Sunday and actual kinetic warfare ops are major components in THEIR arsenal.

ISRAEL: A pox on both their houses! Recommend Scott Ritter's detailed and incisive essay: https://www.scottritterextra.com/p/why-i-no-longer-stand-with-israel


Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant parasites are perpetrating!

Try checking out THE GRAYZONE; THE ELECTRONIC INTIFADA; IF AMERICANS KNEW; GARLAND NIXON for starters and STOP believing the lies of the Zionist/corporate/technocrat controlled media!

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Admit ! The majority of those you know as those who freely admit among those who say they Are.. Admit to Zionism if only [privy!!]

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How wrong a Zionistische lover can be!!

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This is simply Zionist supremacist propaganda. Obviously Israel is not a protection of Europe against Muslims. Israel isd a dependent state on USA and NATO military and economic support. It is a violent military apartheid supremacist regime

illegally occupying the land of indigenous people.

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If you speak French, this is the most thorough, brilliant yet frightening analysis. Alexis Cossette-Trudel was censored during his live last Sunday. He had to do his webjournal again on Monday. He is a brilliant PhD in religion science and semiology. He’s the Robert Langdon of Quebec. On his Telegram channel, you can also find his recent analysis on the Olympic Games. Brilliant!!!


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Excuse me, but please note that Palestinians are NOT the aggressors, it appears that if there is a "jihad" then it is Israel who fired those shots, it is Israel whose people--European Jews-- began life 76 years ago by brutally forcing Palestinians out of their homes and off the land of their ancestors and it is Israeli "settlers" today who are with guns in hand continue killing and forcing Palestinians off their land and burning their ancient olive orchards.

Indeed, you might keep in mind that Palestinians were NOT responsible for the holocaust. FACTS.

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Don’t Rankle Us with the reprehensible..

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"Israel" is ESAU not Jacob-Israel. Europeans are Jacob, "jews" are Esau. The term "european jew" is a conundrum.

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British izraelie’ism

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The Israelites are scattered, what God has scattered, He will gather.

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That's not really relevant to the issue Geert is addressing, nor to the reality the West will face.

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Is the White Man facing some imminent something or other ? are you suggesting something fearfully negatory for all the Good folks i know and grew up with . .

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You have to keep in mind, with everything going on, that the underlying globalist plot of culling the population down to 0.5 billion remains the driver of all policies. Massive immigration of neanderthal Muslims into the West is meant to destroy Christianity & moral values in order to further their objective. This is what visionaries like Geert have seen for years. It also explains the actions of Starmer in the UK, who is a WEF puppet & satanist fulfilling the globalist agenda.

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extraordinary but these days ORDINARY

actions create results, LOOK at what we are supporting, LOOK at all those arms we have pointed and who we have targeted. ALL CONNECTED

division weakens us all. take a stand for life.

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Consider just Who Orchestrates these Blood-Letting Rituals we’ve experienced over these Many many Decades . .Wars of Attrition to Any One who even seems to obscure their pathway to acquiesce . .

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First, you need to separate the Muslim people from the Islamic ideology. All one has to do is read the over 100 verses in the Qur'an dictating how Muslims living in Muslim controlled areas are to treat non Muslims. Non Muslims first are given the option to convert to Islam. If they refuse to do so, they are then given the option to pay a protection tax, If they refuse to do so, then they are killed. What has Israel to gain by starting riots in Gaza? A good percentage of their Knesset is Muslim. It makes no sense. Islamists have done a good job in portraying Muslims as victims when it just the opposite.

It's important to have a basic understanding of Islam itself that has tried to brand itself as the Religion of Peace, when it is actually the opposite. History is replete with examples of Islamic aggression, dating back almost to its beginning.

The New World was discovered because European countries that had used the Silk Road to trade with Asian countries was taken over by Muslim pirates, so an alternate route was sought.

During Thomas Jefferson's term the U.S. Marines had to go rescue U.S. hostages in Libya, which was memorialized in the Marine battle hymn. Jefferson read the Qur'an and warned about it's policy towards non Muslims. In determining how tolerant a society is, all one has to do is look at Muslim controlled countries to see how non Muslims are treated.

There is a saying "The problem with Christianity is Christians" (not following the Golden Rule). Based on Islamic ideology, towards non Muslims one could conclude that the problem with Islam is not Muslims, but Islam itself. There is no Golden Rule in Islam in any of their three holy books. According to them. Al Quaida and ISIS would be observant Muslims.

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Which brand are you even dissecting here? Perhaps you are mixing up the sayings/gossip if you Will with the correct comprehension of an ancient yet still Holy Ouran !

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Esau said he would use Ishmael as his iron broom to "sweep" out the children of Jacob-Israel from Europe, which incidentally means Hebrew. (Eber/Hebrew/Europe)

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Some additional information incl. from "Jewish" sources (the term itself is misleading).


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Aug 13
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The truth is that ESAU set up the "world wars" in order to genocide the children of Jacob-Israel and steal the land. Ezekiel 25.12-14, Ezekiel 33.24-39, Ezekiel 35.10, Ezekiel 36, John 8.44, Matthew 21.

Esau is going to fool the whole world with his "moshiach". Rev 13.3

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Congratulations losers - you have fallen for iranian propaganda. You deserve you muslim overlords.

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You are one to accuse others of falling for propaganda, truly... Did you actually look at Jeff's podcast where he cites mostly Jewish sources?

By the way, I have a degree in media and propaganda.

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I can see the argument: defend the zionists is the same as to defend us all from the muslim danger and threat. That's completely false of course. Could'nt find a single word in support of the thousands of victims of the zionista genocide in Palestine. Not a word about the continuous condemnation of that country by the UN. Are slaugter, occupation, torture, famine and anihilation the values defining the beloved west? Are we so much better? Not so sure!!!!

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To quote Col Potter, "HORSE PUCKY". There are two israels. The one in the news and the one where people live. The Zionists across the world are the problem and the confusion created is deliberate in order to cause dissention across the world. The D-Elite do not have to physically kill millions if they can convince the masses to hate and kill each other.

Virtually every religion in the world agrees with the concept of Mark 13:34.

"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."

That will involve commitment from all sides of a situation. including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddists, Jain - All religions.

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there is true Israel, which is scattered, and a great counterfeit called Esau.

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The problem isn’t the Muslims, they are the symptom. The problem lies with those who promote diversity and inclusion, knowing full well the conflict that will ensue.

The people behind this have been behind every conflict in the 20th and 21st centuries.

9/11 was not planned by the Muslims. WTC #7 cannot collapse due to fire.

The same people that planned 9/11, are behind this. Geert is either a paid shill, or a fool.

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the problem is Esau, that great counterfeit and the children of Jacob-Israel, who did not drive the evil out from among them. Therefore the evil rules over us.

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Don't forget the Christian's Geert.

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Muslims still enjoy having children whereas Europeans do not. Demographics is destiny. Muslims also are devoted to their religion whereas Europeans are not. This has been in the works for decades. There are no words for the tragedy. But, it was self inflicted.

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Right. Europeans are the true children of Jacob-Israel (the Israelite captivity was in Assyria, which is Germany) who have been duped by Esau into whoreshipping his "god". John 8.44, Rev 13.3

We must turn back to God or we are individually doomed.

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Many migrants do not speak our language here in Belgium.

We speak to one another with arms and legs.

To me, it isn't the migrants fault persé. It is our leaders who do and have been doing things without a clear VISION.

The migrants buy a lot of crips and chips and beer I notice in the supermarket.

And they never wear proper shoes.

They come from a dimension were self-care isn't a thing.

My sister is stalked at the moment by a man from Syria. He stole a lot of money from her. The police can not cope in her city. He is supposed to be in prison.

Yet, I believe that in time, negative influences are incorporated into positive ones, like in music and art.

Beautiful blendings. Like for example 'Zap Mama', a Conoglese-Belgian band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI3Pf71grTc





The arts too assimilates and blends foreign influences.

Not to forget the migrants who are winning Olympic medals at the moment under our national flags.

It is the sheer stupidity and the lack of leadership of our leaders which ruin ALL of us.

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On the contrary, our leaders have, and always have had, a CRYSTAL CLEAR VISION of where they are steering our world.

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It´s our fault for trusting in re-legious politicians and rebel against the one true God.

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The "leaders" are doing this with very clear vision because it is ALL intentional. Their policies and choices are directed by the D S cartel babylon, one-world-order (non) elites, as per the script they're given by these overlords who've installed themselves as the self-professed, unelected rulers of the planet and haters of humanity. None of what is happening with the intentional infiltrations of western civilization is organic or grass roots, nor is any of it by chance or out of humanitarian policy. These "leaders" are mere front-puppets of their behind-the-curtain masters who dictate the orchestrated events that take place. This has gone on for centuries, with the same bloodline demons (hidden by their "organizations", "foundations", "agencies", etc) running this sh!t show of destruction for their genocide and dehumanization agenda. Everything you see, whether it's the "climate agenda" or child mutilation (and everything in between) is for the sole purpose of destroying humanity and all of natural creation.

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That is about as clear as you can possibly spell it out. Thank you! Rather than fight each other over issues that should take a backseat to the real problem...the psychotic ruling class...we need to band together globally and stand up to these monsters who are entirely devoid of humanity. They are making it clearer by the day, that they intend to destroy or enslave us. What will it take before we believe them?

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Exactly! Like the Bible says, these Kings and Rulers have set themselves and taken counsel together against God and His Creation. (Psalm 2) The Kings are Rulers are subservient to their "great ones", who are the Fallen. (Mark 10.42-45)

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Thank you.

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spot on. I can't believe it when people STILL write that leaders aren't fit for the job, or are stupid, bladebla - NO, they are doing EXACTLY as they were put in place to do. Billions of fairly decent people obeying a teeny weeny minority of evil cabals.

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Thank you.

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the cabal is dictating to us how we must scrimp and save and die of all manner of artificial dis-ease while they live high off the hog.

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And again, thank you. Your knowledge is impressive and very well stated, based on all of your comments throughout this thread. I may not possess enough knowledge to understand it all, so I don't comment, but I appreciate you. 🙏💟🙏

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Once I came out of Babylon (Rev 18.4) and began reading the Bible, God has been showing me what we all need to know and I try to share it like crazy, because the man of sin (satan) is coming and he will fool the entire world (Rev 13.3) into believing he is "god" (2 Thess 2). The majority will take the mark of the beast and perish eternally.

Keep reading the Bible, the Holy spirit will lead you into all truth. John 14.26

I have a you tube channel, let´s see if the link remains: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvpVtNPArh_HuZGI8nYzqRw

Do not be fooled by "the millennial reign", it is a ruse to taking the mark of the beast.

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