Walking in The Woke Man’s Shoes
A woman bemoans her boyfriend’s decision to become Transgender.
I want to make it clear that I have nothing against transgender people personally and decry any attempts to belittle or discriminate against them.
However, woke culture permits no criticism of transgenderism and will condemn you as a racist or homophobe for doing so. This is wrong since there’s supposed to be freedom of speech in this country.
If you’re an adult, it’s your choice whether you want to be transgender but there are certain “activists” out there who have taken it upon themselves to proselytize to children and teenagers not of permissible legal age to hear about the benefits of choosing transgenderism as a lifestyle.
This proselytizing becomes particularly egregious when inappropriate explicit sexual information is communicated in classroom settings. Children and teenagers are at a very impressionable age and often make rash decisions due to a lack of maturity and this is why they should not be exposed to such information until they are adults.
There are other reasons why people should not rush into changing their gender. Chief among them are the health risks as surgery and injection of hormones into your system can lead to long-term health complications.
Finally, there is a history of individuals regretting the decision to become transgender. None of those cases are highlighted by “activists” who seek to paint an unassailable rosy picture of a gender identity switch.
Here in my song a woman along with denizens of a small southern town react to one man’s decision to become transgender. I think it’s always good to have different points of view as long as people are free to make their own decisions regarding their sexual identity.
Yes some people do think transgenderism is “insane” and they should not be prevented having such an opinion since there are legitimate reasons altering your sexual identity might not be such a good idea. But again discriminating or persecuting transgender people is wrong and needs to be condemned.
Here are the lyrics:
Walking in the Woke Man’s Shoes
Flying up above the courthouse
Is our old and precious American flag
Symbol of the freedoms that we cherish
And all of the good times that we’ve had
Now I’ve got a guy his name’s Bobby
He used to go to church, prayed to the Lord
But now he identifies as transgender
And I tell him that’s a two-edged sword
Chorus: I see old glory shining in the breeze
And I still believe in southern hospitality
But when you see Old Glory from this other point of view
You’l be walking in the woke man’s shoes
Just the other day Bobby shocked me
He wants to shoot these hormones into his veins
Thank God the good old boys down at the diner
Still think he is totally insane
(Spoken): IT’s really hard for me to fathom
But Bobby claims he has been harassed
(sung) But maybe he’s just lookin for a scapegoat in these hard times
(Spoken) Well if I can help it, that attitude’s not gonna last
Chorus: I see old glory shining in the breeze
And I still believe in southern hospitality
But when you see Old Glory from this other point of view
You’ll be walking in the woke man’s shoes
Bridge: They pump you with drugs, and now call it love
You must make up your mind
Playing with your health, may put you in a bind
Whatever you decide, just don’t proselytize
And leave the kids alone
It never looks real good, casting all those stones
Now it’s gonna take some time to change Bobby
And Lord you know I am gonna try
So if you see old Glory ‘bove the courthouse
Just don’t see it with the woke man’s eyes
Instrumental Bridge (2)
Chorus: I see old glory shining in the breeze
And I still believe in southern hospitality
You’ll be broke, when you’re woke then you will surely lose
When you’re walking in the woke man’s shoes
When you’re walking in the woke man’s shoes
Like many others I respect other people's choices (all of them, if they're not hurting others) and I believe that, like homosexuals the "gender confusion has been a part of human existence for a very long time. What I don't understand is why it has to be shouted in my face. I remember, not that long ago it was very similar (at least in Australia) with many "celebrities" (and even those with very limited time in a spotlight) declaring themselves followers of Islam. Why did they think that I really needed to know that aspect of their lives? On the other hand, they don't think of sharing their bank balance. It seems seriously strange that something so personal (and intimate (?)) of so many has been shared so generously with the public at large. Including the lives of youngsters who, frankly are too young to comprehend what's happening to them.
NO ONE should be persecuted for anything. This USED to classified as mental disorder. I saw a Twitter post where a girl was saying, "If Joe says he is also Mike and Jerry, we say he has a mental disorder. But if Joe says he is now Josephine, that's "normal"?
They should be treated with compassion and TREATED, like any other ill person, not humored!