Trump and JFK: Conspiracy Theories vs. Alternative Explanations
Holding My Ground with a Potentially Unpopular Opinion
Yesterday’s assassination attempt on former President Trump has invited all kinds of speculative theories bordering on what some may term as “conspiracy theories.” Personally I tend to shy away from these grandiose theories and look for much more simpler explanations. For example the BBC interview of the guy who was shouting to the Secret Service that there was a sniper on the roof and they seemed to ignore him. How could such a thing happen? Well how about hubris? The attitude that we’re n charge and it’s none of your business to interfere when we believe we’ve covered all the bases (when of course they did not).
This brings me back to the JFK assassination. There are those who insist Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy and some even maintain he wasn’t the shooter. Some of you may believe I am being sacrilegious but how could a psychopath like Oswald have let anyone control him (Oswald was such a loose cannon that even the KGB thought he was completely unstable and they were glad to see him leave the Soviet Union after moving there for awhile).
Watch Gerald Posner, author of Case Closed, the definitive account of the JFK Assassination on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of JFK’s murder. If this doesn’t convince you Oswald acted alone, nothing will.
And also check out Debunking JFK Conspiracy Theories by Fred Litwin, author of “I was a Teenage JFK Conspiracy Freak.”
You're losing me as well...
You’re not asking the right question. Everyone focused on “how” did SS leave this critical point unsecured but the real question is how did some 20 year old kid get lucky enough to know that spot would be unsecured? Go deeper.