While medical freedom is my main interest and priority, the new feature will not cover this area exclusively but will cover all areas. Each month, I’ll spotlight a website that I believe will resonate with my subscribers, diving into topics that inform, inspire, or provoke thought.
To kick things off, I’ll be reviewing VirusTruth.net. This site is a powerful resource dedicated to exposing the narratives surrounding public health and challenging mainstream agendas.
VirusTruth.net is associated with the Dutch organization Viruswaarheid, which translates to "Virus Truth." Founded by Willem Engel, the group has been active in challenging government-imposed COVID-19 measures in the Netherlands. They have organized protests and initiated legal actions against policies such as lockdowns and curfews. In February 2021, Viruswaarheid contested the Dutch government's curfew measures, but the court upheld the government's actions, ruling that the curfew was a proportional measure to tackle the COVID-19 crisis.
VirusTruth.NET indexes media related to the realization that viruses are not a cause of disease (and in fact do not exist as popularly described). The focus here is on the most basic and understandable media presenting or supporting this paradigm-shifting understanding.
Here are some respurces they recommend:
Short introductions For a quick overview, consider:
• The Truth About Viruses - Dr. Sam Bailey (17:50) [video]
• Infectious Etiology - Dr. Tom Cowan (04:24) [video]
• Reframing the Infectious Disease Paradigm - D. Alec Zeck (29:20) [video]
• Why is so-called virology completely unscientific? - John Blaid (5 pages) [PDF in 7 languages]
• Virology Is Way Past Its Cell By Date - Steve Falconer (6:59) [video]
• The Truth About Virus Isolation - Dr. Sam Bailey (14:11) [video]
• They're Doing It Again - Dr. Sam Bailey (23:55) [video]
• "...Immunity in 19 Minutes" - Steve Falconer (19:25) [video]