It was time to speak out against all these pop “artists” acting as shills for pharmaceutical companies, so I wrote Gaga’s Gone. Lady Gaga is only one of the deplorables who joined the ranks in persecuting the unvaccinated. Perhaps the most shocking was Joni Mitchell who I believed was actually a progressive until she revealed her reactionary core to all the world.
Listen on Soundcloud here:
And on Spotify:
And check out the lyrics.
Gaga’s gone
Segue intro
(v1) Do you remember long ago
A bird flew in your room?
You could see all her feathers
Those sumptuous cultured plumes
(v2) Then one day, she flew away
We needed to know why
No longer our bright plumed bird
With those familiar eyes
Chorus (1): Gaga’s gone, now it’s true
She took the jab and she wants you to take it too
Gaga prefers it, that you don’t raise your voice
You can hear her singing, no more freedom of choice
Bridge (1): yes Gaga’s gone, she left today
The Masters of Fear, told her what to say
Gaga bought their story, now she’s out for blood
If you don’t now stand with her
She’ll drag you through the mud
(v3) Gaga flew to parts unknown, turned into a witch
One fine day she fell in love, with all the scientists
The scientists they all wore white
They pushed their sacred tests
Gaga loved their thorny crowns
Claimed they all knew best
Bridge instrumental
Chorus (2) Gaga’s gone, she’s left and flew away
She disappeared, for her you must start to pray
No longer can she hide it as she now lives in disgrace
Gaga’s gone, with her poker face
Bridge (2): Now we bought a ticket, for entrance to her show
There was no admission, a calculating blow!
Her burly brawny bouncers, wouldn’t let us pass
A doppelganger robot, claimed we’re all second class
Coda: Gaga’s gone, left without a trace
Hard to believe, she’s been replaced
An evil twin, who won’t let you in
Staring at you with that wise-cracking grin
She’s in control, you can never win
Time to condemn, such a cardinal sin
Chorus (3) Gaga’s gone, she’s left and flew away
She disappeared, for her you must start to pray
No longer can she hide it as she now lives in disgrace
Gaga’s gone, with her poker face
Gaga's Gone
Gaga's Gone
Gaga's Gone
Thanks for this Turfseer.
She's a remarkably unattractive woman whom I would not be prepared to have relations with even if she held a gun to my head.
Kindness dictates that one must never say such a thing to a woman who has not been treated well by genetics or nature and instead has beaten quite severely with the ugly stick and one must always lie and tell her she is pretty etc.
Unfortunately, this kindness can be mistaken for weakness and can have ill effects when the so-called "lady" in question exhibits all the trappings of malignant narcissism.
I was prepared to put up with having LGBTQIA+ rammed down my throat whenever she was reported in the media, spewing her drivel.
She had a few good tunes and has a bit of style but not so good that I would pay to go to see her or hear her perform even if I had been stupid enough to be injected with the slab jab.
It's been said that beauty is only skin deep but real ugliness goes all the way through to the Boone.
Now that it is clear that she is even uglier on the inside than she is on the outside, I'll cover my ears if I'm ever unfortunate enough to hear any of her songs playing.
Great songs shared by you Turfseer.
Gagging GaGa was always a Goner, along with most of Pedowood & Pedoislands of "elitist"vermin.