1692 Was a Very Good Year (New Version)
The Plandemic is compared to The Salem Witchcraft Trials
Have we regressed to the late 17th century? This video answers that question.
Like now, Salem, Massachusetts had their own Fauci, Minister Cotton Mather. Read about him here: https://thehistoryjunkie.com/cotton-mather-and-the-salem-witch-trials/
By the way, Mather was one of the first in the American Colonies to advocate innoculation for smallpox.
There was a slight flaw with one of the words, so I decided to have the lead vocalist correct it. I still have all the vocal stems but failed to keep the backing instrumentation. So, in this version there are completely new keyboard, guitar, drum, and bass parts.
The video contains the new version. For purposes of comparison see below for the original on Soundcloud.
Which one do you like best? In the new version I think the drums are a bit more dynamic and you can hear the harmonies better in the second half of the song.
"...I think the drums are a bit more dynamic and you can hear the harmonies better in the second half of the song."
I agree, but honestly, both versions are terrific, imo. Great work as always. :)
such an appropriate song to compare to these last 3 scamdemic years. I can think of many who should be burned at the stack today.